Are Dogs Really Man's Best Friend?
Some people may argue that dogs are not a man's best friend. They may talk about dog attacks, certain breeds, or that they only "love" us because we give them food. I am here to counter these arguments and show why dogs are our true companions. Certain breeds of dogs are seen as vicious or as fighting dogs, but time has shown that people have bred them this way. Dogs have been bred for certain tasks in a humans life like hunting, personal safety, or show. The dogs themselves did not have a choice on why they were raised the way they were, or how they were taught growing up. For example, a security dog may be raised to attack when told, when a threat is felt, or if their owner is in danger. This action is not an instinct, but it was a learned habit. Same goes for dog attacks, except they may not be exactly trained to do so. When dogs are being raised they also need to be rewarded for good behavior and reprimanded for bad. If a dog is not put in its place from the start...